I love Disney ever since I was a child, it made me dream of my future, be happy, and be inspired. So, every year, Busy and I always watch Disney on Ice. The only difference this year is I got to blog our experience 🙂
Pictures were taken using our phones only that’s why the quality of the videos and pictures were not that great 🙂 But we hope that you still enjoy reading on our experience.
Ticket Purchase
We bought our tickets in SM tickets online. Buying your tickets online has a small fee but makes purchasing easier than going to ticket outlets.
I bought our tickets the day of the actual sale 🙂 Disney on Ice is shown in the Philippines every December 25 – January 6, with 3 time slots 11 AM, 3PM, and 7PM. I always choose December 30 7:00PM. The show lasts for 2 hours.
Are you thinking why did I bought lower box tickets instead of VIP tickets? Why did I also get row D instead of row A? Continue to read on to see the answers 🙂
After I purchased online, I went to an SM ticket outlet to get the actual ticket.
Start of Disney on Ice
I just wanted to portray Minnie Mouse this time, so I just wear her head band and I partnered it with a red polka dot dress.
This was the stage for this year.
Oh yessssss we were so ready for the show.
? Seating Arrangement Tip ?
When watching Disney on Ice I always choose seats 16 and 17, Row D, Section 201, of the Lower Box. Why?
First of all, I choose Lower Box because I want to see the whole Ice skating rink. It is nice seeing the action right in front of you if you are at the VIP section. However, I want to see the total production.
I choose Row D instead of Row A to C because of this:
Whenever I am in Row A to C that end of the glass is always in the middle of my view. ? Yes I am a little lady haha I am just 5ft.
I choose seat number 16-17 of section 201 because these are the seats in the middle of the stage 🙂 If section 201 is already sold out, you can also choose section 222, this section is also in the center.
Next year I’ll try the end seats of SVIP, I think it also has a good view 🙂
Main Characters
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy kicked off the show.
Mickey Mouse danced together with the whole ice skating gang.
And he was later joined by Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy.
Toy Story
In June 2019, Toy Story 4 will be released, so this year, they included the cartoon in the highlights.
Woody and Jessie asked the audience to participate while they teach us the steps.
Rex, Hamm, Buzz Lightyear, and Sarge also joined the action.
Finding Dory
Dory’s story was also told in the show.
In this part of the show, there were some lucky kids from the audience who were chosen to ride the cup like chair on the rink while Dory and her friends were performing.
In this part of the show, the props got bigger, there were even seaweeds from the roof.
Just look at Hank the Octopus, he was present in the show!
Disney Princesses
There were also a lot of Disney Princesses, but here were some of my favorites from the show.
Little Mermaid
Ariel was awesome! She did not just ice skate, she even went up into the air!
Disney is not just on ice, it is also IN THE AIR!
Another favorite from the show is Rapunzel from Tangled.
She also went in the air! and was “tangled” with her “hair”.
Here is a snapshot of the best air moment of Rapunzel.
Thank you to Busy because he took these shots. I was so amazed watching the action… so I forgot to take a video hahaha.
Here are all of the Disney Princesses performing. Whooo their portion of the show was breathtaking!
After the Disney Princesses, there was a 10-minute break. Then the show continued.
Inside Out
Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Fear also had a quick part in the show.
Because Mickey turned 90 this 2018, he also had a lot of performances, including this scene from Fantasia.
Of course Frozen was also a part of the show just like last year. It was one of the hits of Disney.
Elsa’s Snow Palace leveled-up this year! There were snow flakes from the roof!
The last highlight of the show was Moana.
I think this was the first time that Moana participated in the show 🙂
I wondered how will they show Maui…
Maui looked like the real Maui…. but cuter! hahaha
Look! The show also had fire! Woooooww!!! So this show was not just on ICE, it was also in the AIR, and with FIRE!
At the end of the show, all of the main characters danced and had a great time 🙂
Happy and Busy’s Smileys
The location was perfect for us, we were just 30 minutes away (without the traffic) from Mall of Asia Arena.
The production was good.
Value for moneyÂ
If you are really a Disney lover, you will really really enjoy the show especially the performances were made on ice. This year the show leveled-up! There was even rope performances in the air, and fire!
We really had fun, our some of the performances were even heart pumping because of the stunts!
We can’t wait to see Disney on Ice next year!