Fountain of Youth, Originally known as Rakuh-A-Idi Spring

Swimming does not come into your mind when you say you are travelling to Batanes. But do you know that they have beautiful beaches, and a pool which is called the Fountain of Youth, which is originally known as Rakuh a Idi Spring?

How to go here?

From the town to the spring…

Walk: Not recommended, the spring is very far!

Vehicle: It will take you at least 30 minutes.

Bicycle: It took us 2 hours haha.

Please take note that there is not a lot of public vehicles in the island. Locals usually use their motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle, or walk towards each destination.

It is better to arrange a tour with Amazing Batanes Tours for convenience.

Book and use the code HAPPYANDBUSY to get P500 discount.


Going to the Fountain of Youth

Our first visit to the fountain of youth is via bicycle. I searched for it in Googe Maps and it says we can bike for a few minutes. So, around 2PM, we got our bikes and started our journey to the fountain of youth! We were excited to go to the fountain because it was Busy’s birthday!

Bike in Batanes to South Batan - Batanes Travel Guide and Itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels
Made a stop after a while. We were tired but happy!

The path to the fountain was hard! There is a lot of zigzag roads and hills! It took us 2 hours before we reach the fountain. However the fountain is closed on Mondays 😆 because cleaning time is scheduled on Mondays and Fridays!

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels
An empty fountain of youth

So, after looking around the place for a while, we went back to the town because it started to get dark.


Our Return

Well… we just went back to the fountain of youth after we went back from Sabtang Island. This time we got a tricycle from Amazing Batanes Tours again hahaha. This is not actually included in our package, but we just got their services again. We do not want to exhaust ourselves in biking through Batanes again. 😆


We first paid the fees and registered. Fees for tourists are:

Entrance Fee: Php 50

Swimming Fee: Php 100

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

Tricycles parked in this area, then guests will take a short hike to the fountain of youth.


The Journey

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

The path to the fountain of youth is a bit rocky…

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

Along the way, we found these rocks with holes. These are remnant of the kitchen of the houses. Each house has these rocks, so each partner rock is equivalent to one house.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

Rules and Regulations

There are rules and regulations to be observed while inside the fountain of youth. We must always take care of the area.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels


Rakuh-A-Idi Spring

There it is! Rakuh-A-Idi Spring or also known as Fountain of Youth.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

The water was crystal clear and blue! It is clean because cleaning is done 2 days a week. The spring is just 3-4 feet so you will not be worried of drowning.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

It was nice dipping in the pool… and taking our pictures!

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

The water in the pool came from the fresh spring water from the mountains, and it is collected through the hole below the Mama Mary Grotto.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels


The Beach

There was also a beach near the spring. So, we went to the beach and explored it.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

It was getting dark so there is a lot of shade to hide from the sun.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

Busy and his friend Imac went to the ocean to swim, and I am just there… telling them to be careful 😆 the waves are strong and there is a lot of rocks.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

We noticed that there is a lot of trash! People please avoid throwing trash anywhere, even the ocean! Locals think that these trash were from the ocean and were just carried to the shore.

Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

I think the beach can be improved and can attract even more tourist if this is just regularly cleaned.


Overall our 3-hour visit to the spring was worth it! We highly recommend that you also visit the place even though usually there is a lot of people… uhmmm not that a lot…. maybe there were 15 people during our visit.


Happy and Busy’s Smileys



The spring

Value for money

For just a few bucks, the experience is worth it!


Well who doesn’t have fun while swimming? It is always fun!



Batanes Travel Guide and 5-day Itinerary at:


Rakuh-a-idi Spring Fountain of Youth - Batanes travel guide and itinerary for 5 days - Happy and Busy Travels

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